Sunday, May 24, 2020
Adam Smiths Theory in the Current World Economy Free Essay Example, 1500 words
The free market economy is still the dominant force in the world market today. It will always be an integral part of every economic activity. Yet, even countries like the USA and in Europe, a perfectly free market economy doesn t exist in reality. With the pressing issues of the financial crisis and recessions, the free market is one of the factors that carry the burden to explain what really happened. The evolution of the economy makes Smith s economic freedom much less be effective today. The weakness of this concept already exists since the birth of its definition way back to Smith. Ultimately, there is no way to separate the government from the market. The very least participation of the government is on the provision of currency for the market. Indirect involvement through transportation, infrastructures, defense, and education greatly helps the market economy. Without government interventions, the likelihood that monopolies will take over the free market is highly possible (B echtold, 2011). Maybe, the seemingly faltering free market can point its fingers to the lack or poor economic planning of most countries. If only Adam Smith is alive today, he would definitely make strategic improvements in his free-market ideology. We will write a custom essay sample on Adam Smith's Theory in the Current World Economy or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Direct interventions can lead to corruption and distortion of market frameworks (Scott, 2006). However, the policy must be created as an open book to everyone, especially the economic players in the free market. This includes the identification of various economic actors and recognition of different market frameworks within the free market system.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Elizabethan Crime And Punishment Of The Elizabethan Era
Elizabethan Crime and Punishment On a normal day during the Elizabethan Era you would pass the town square to find someone screaming bloody murder and begging for mercy. There were public executions that many people took a day off of their jobs to go see. Torture devices were a big part of Elizabethan Crime and Punishment. There was a specific punishment for everything from begging to high treason. If a peasant stole anything worth more than five pence, which was the currency of the time period they were hanged, anyone who committed a capital offense was quartered, and the queen’s guards were not allowed to wear cloaks. Crime and punishment of the Elizabethan era was brutal and ruthless compared to this day in time. Common Crimes†¦show more content†¦The Justice of the Peace for each town took up a tax from landowners so that they could help out the poor in the Elizabethan era. Punishments Every common crime had a specific and brutal punishment as its consequence but the poor took the worst part of Elizabethan Crime and Punishment. The punishments of the Elizabethan era were gory and brutal, there was always some type of bloodshed.There were many uncomfortable ways of torture and punishment that were very often did in front of the public.Very common punishments during the Elizabethan era were hanging,burning,The pillory and the Stocks,whipping,branding,pressing,ducking stools,the wheel,boiling,being starved in a public place,cutting off of ears and other parts of the anatomy,The Gossip’s Bridle, and The Drunkard’s cloak.All of the punishments were meant to be extremely embarrassing and nevertheless, painful and they were.Leg stocks were a very uncomfortable way of public punishment and it was extremely embarrassing.Leg stocks was when someone was tied up by their legs on a wooden board why inhumane things were done to them such as getting kicked,spat on,and called names.It was not the most painful punishment but it was very embarrassing.The most dreadful punishment by far was being hung, drawn, an d quartered although punishment by death was dreadful and terrifying.It was done publicly so many people would witness it.Some of the commonShow MoreRelatedElizabethan Era Crime and Punishment728 Words  | 3 PagesIn the Elizabethan era, doing a crime was the worst mistake of all, depending on how big your crime was, people had to know that their lives were at risk. Every crime was big before, even â€Å"crimes of treason and offenses against the state were treated with that murder and rape today.†(Elizabethan Crime and Punishment) â€Å"Offenses such as manslaughter, robbery, rape, piracy and capital crimes entitled one to hanging, usually in the town square.†(Elizabethan crime and Punishment) During Queen Elizabeth’sRead MoreCrime and Punishment in Elizabethan England788 Words  | 4 PagesDuring the Elizabethan Era, crime and punishment was a brutal source of punishments towards criminals. The term â€Å"crime and punishment†was a series of pu nishments and penalties the government gave towards the people who broke the laws. In William Harrison’s article â€Å"Crime and Punishment in Elizabethan England†, says that â€Å"the concept of incarcerating a person as punishment for a crime was a relatively novel at the time†(1). This seemed reasonable at the time, because back then they didn’t sentenceRead MoreEssay on Elizabethan Era: The Golden Age1205 Words  | 5 Pagespalaces full of gold and silver- these are just a few thoughts that come to mind when one hears the term â€Å"Elizabethan Era†; however, there is more to this period than what meets the eye. The Elizabethan Era was a significant epoch in the United Kingdom’s history. Ranging from 1558 to 1603, this was during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The Elizabethan Era, also known as the Elizabethan Age or Elizabethan Period, is said to be the golden age of English history, with a quite diversified public life, a riseRead MoreThe Life of William Shakespeare669 Words  | 3 Pagesto convince her that Hamlet deserves such violent punishments due to his actions. Throughout his speech the audience is completely aware that this is a set up done by Claudius himself. This speech builds a feeling of distance and mistrust between the audience and Claudius as they are entirely aware was the reasons behind Hamlets banishment. By his wording in the speech it displays Claudius’ character as a liar. If to be sitting in an Elizabethan audience Claudius would be frowned upon as he is nowRead MoreQueen Elizabeth I : The Golden Age Of The Elizabethan Era1000 Words  | 4 PagesEven today, people look back fondly on the Elizabethan Era as one of the times when England was very close to achieving a golden age. While living under Queen Elizabeth did bring about troubles, such as an extreme system of punishment and quarrels with the Catholics, the Elizabethan Era was a time of peace and prosperity, heavily c ontrasting life before and after Elizabeth’s reign. In a time when England was almost about to tear itself apart, Queen Elizabeth I came to power and improved the situationRead MoreCrime From The Elizabethan Era1813 Words  | 8 Pageshighs and lows. However, no matter which Era, certain problems always seem to shine through the cracks. This problem is usually caused by the sole culprit of crime. Crime is the largest problem in most times. Every time has its own crime; and therefore, every generation deals with crime differently, each using their own type of punishment and order. Also, each Era has had its own way to carry out the punishments. Oftentimes it had been through officials of crime. Though different generations have hadRead MoreCustoms Of The Elizabethan Wedding Customs1341 Words  | 6 Pagesnow (Elizabethan Wedding Customs 1). The main difference between marriages now and in the past is that in this case, the marriages were arranged, and there was no choice in who you married (Elizabethan Wedding Customs 1). Marriages were organized in a way in which both families would benefit from the marriage (Elizabethan Wedding Customs 1). Couples met for the first time on their wedding day (Elizabethan Wedding Customs 1). Some customs vary between the rich and the poor (Elizabethan WeddingRead MoreRenaissance Anatomy And Dissection825 Words  | 4 Pages The Renaissance was a time period in history that came with a plethora of changes in art, religion, and science. Considered one of the most beautiful eras thus far, it shaped the modern age. Curiosity peaked in people everywhere in Europe; this curiosity included fascination with the human body and new research. Dissection gained popularity and importance during the Renaissance, which led to body snatching becoming common; both of these activities gave way to new advancements. Dissection of humanRead MoreDeath Penalty : The Penalty1475 Words  | 6 Pages DEATH PENALTY BY TURKI ARUGI 6/15/2015 ELS LANGUAGE CENER Death Penalty When someone hears about death penalty the first thing that comes up to the mind is murder, robbery, treachery but not every crime is punishable by death penalty. It is indeed a punishment for severe crimes which are not forgivable or can be done in a prison. Sometimes death penalty is the only option left for the government or it may be too dangerous to let the person to stay alive. Death penalty is one of the mostRead MoreEssay about Elizabethan England2559 Words  | 11 PagesBloody Painful: Crime and Punishment in Elizabethan England This article’s purpose is to express the danger of breaking the law in England. Most of the punishments of our time are deemed cruel and unusual. The death penalty can no longer be enacted in cases of theft or highway robbery. The following paragraphs will describe the various instruments of punishment (torture) of the period. One out of the ordinary punishment of this era is the drunkards cloak. It is a punishment for public drunkenness;
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
World Cities and Sustainable Development Free Essays
World Cities and Sustainable Development Subject: Sub-divided units in Hong Kong ( 1487 words ) Hong Kong has been celebrated for its sky-high belongings monetary value which has been a concern to both the policy shapers and the populace in recent old ages. Apart from the unaffordable belongings monetary values, Hong Kong besides faces societal issues like the sub-divided units, accidents such as the 2011 Fa Yuen Street fire [ 1 ] and the prostration edifice at Ma Tau Wei Road [ 2 ] in 2010 have roused public consciousness towards the issue. In this essay, I will foremost explicate the relationship between lodging and sustainable development. We will write a custom essay sample on World Cities and Sustainable Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then I will present the jobs of sub-divided units in Hong Kong and its influence on residents’ quality of life. Finally, I will measure the key challenges faced by the Hong Kong Housing Authority in turn toing the lodging jobs. Sustainable lodging dramas an of import function in sustainable development. Harmonizing to theSustainable Housing Policyissued by the United Nations Human Settlements Program ( UN-Habitat ) in 2012, lodging is one of the basic standards to mensurate the quality of life of people, which besides connect to environmental, societal, cultural and economic facets in the community [ 3 ] . The construction of lodging creates a great influence on both the current and future coevalss due to the life-long lastingness of edifices. Housing besides requires a considerable sum of natural resources, such as H2O, electricity, land and edifice stuffs as input, where lodging produces sewerage, municipal solid waste and other sorts of pollution that create negative impact to the natural environment. Hence, sustainable lodging is the key to travel a measure frontward sustainable development. UN-Habitat defined sustainable lodging as ‘genuinely sustainable houses are those that are inclusive and low-cost for all†¦and yet affordability is non plenty, because the alleged low-cost place can non be considered sustainable if they create negative impacts on the environment or societal life.’ [ 4 ] Harmonizing to the US-based consultancy Demographia, Hong Kong ranks the first among 360 metropoliss for the ‘most unaffordable’ lodging for the 4th consecutive twelvemonth. Hong Kong’s one-year average family income is merely one-fifteenth of the average place monetary value, therefore being rated as ‘severely unaffordable’ . [ 5 ] In 2013 Policy Address [ 6 ] , lodging jobs ranked foremost in the government’s precedence, particularly aimed at helping the grassroots into public lodging and in-between category households to home ownership. [ 7 ] However, the job could non be solved nightlong, the increasing figure of sub-divided units suggested that the authorization failed to help the grassroots and in-between category households in run intoing their basic demands to alleviate the poorness job. After the Fa Yuen Street fire and the collapsed edifice incident at Ma Tau Wei Road, safety of sub-divided units has raised the public concern. Among all lodging jobs, the state of affairs of sub-divided units is critical. The life environment of these sub-divided units are by and large little in size, but are poplar because of their affordability. Harmonizing to a research conducted by the University of Hong Kong, about 63 % of sub-divided units occupants lived at units which country are less than 160 sq. pes, where the smallest unit is about 70 sq. pes. Respondents reviewed that they were discontented about their life environment, particularly in fire safety, air circulation and security. Over two-third of the respondents stated that there were jobs such as H2O escape, home base exposure, concrete spalling and mussy electric wires, which imposed psychological force per unit area to them as they were worried about the building’s construction of their units particularly after the incidents. [ 8 ] The study besides stated that occupants were worried about their security in the sub-divided units, approximately 44 % reviewed that stealing occurred in their unit, followed by robbery ( 33 % ) , drugs covering ( 29 % ) , incendiarism ( 25 % ) and sex discourtesies ( 22 % ) . In footings of societal life, merely 5 % of occupants were familiar with their neighbours and maintained a friendly relationship with each other, while 60 % of respondents were non familiar or did non acknowledge their neighbours. At the same clip, approximately 77 % of occupants did non fall in or affect in any community activities. [ 9 ] Over half of the sub-unit occupants reflected that their greatest want is to acquire a public lodging colony, one-third wished to better their life environment. Furthermore, the greatest concern of the occupants is the sanitation job of the life environment, followed by security and the safety of the building’s construction. In footings of psychological well-being, occupants reflected that they were worried about the lifting rent and frequently felt laden due to the narrow and bantam life status. These jobs of sub-divided units have been earnestly impacting the residents’ quality of life as they struggled hard to keep a life. [ 10 ] Furthermore, the bulk of occupants felt detached, unhappy and have low sense of properties to the society as they seldom communicate with each other and rarely involved in their community, which would impact their physiological well-being. In footings of life environment, they were discontent about the sanitation and safety jobs, and the bulk wished to travel into the public lodging every bit shortly as possible. There are three challenges faced by the Hong Kong Housing Authority in turn toing the job of sub-divided units. First, Hong Kong faces the job of limited land supply. Presently 23 % of land has been development, and 7 % is allocated for residential land usage. The deficit in land supply will further take to the lifting monetary value of belongings monetary values. [ 11 ] To turn to this job, renewal is frequently used since the 1970s. [ 12 ] In 2013, development curate Paul Chan Mo Po even suggested constructing estate by uncluttering an country in the state park [ 13 ] or construct places on the golf nine site, [ 14 ] these steps and suggestions faced strong expostulation in the society. Second, the authorities failed to command the belongings monetary values. Under the sky-high belongings monetary values, the authorities eventually attempted to interfere the market by presenting the dual cast responsibilities to relieve the state of affairs. [ 15 ] However, the program failed to command the belongings monetary values and the belongings monetary values in Hong Kong reached new highs in August 2014, entering the highest belongings monetary value in Hong Kong’s history. [ 16 ] Third, the job of ‘sub-divided units’ jobs involved the work of different governments and the division of duties is non clearly defined. Therefore, different sections may decline to take the duties. The job non merely related to edifice and fire safety, but besides other issues such as edifice direction job, urban reclamation job and lodging job. [ 17 ] Sustainable lodging should non be measured merely in footings of affordability, and should means more than a roof over one’s caput. A sustainable lodging system should be able to supply abode with: equal basic substructure, privateness, infinite, handiness, safety, security, dependability, sanitation and waste-management installations, suited environmental quality, accessible location to make basic installations and work topographic point, accessible and equity transit system, while all these standards should be brought with low-cost monetary value. [ 18 ] These factors are what Hong Kong presently lack and should be taking into history in doing lodging policies and determinations. Mention â€Å" 2011-12 Policy Address – Policy Address. †2011-12 Policy Address – Policy Address. 12 Oct. 2011. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . â€Å" 2013 Policy Address by Chief Executive ( 3 ) . †2013 Policy Address by Chief Executive ( 3 ). Hong Kong Government Press Release. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . â€Å" State Park Carve-up the Worst of All Land Options. †South China Morning Post. 25 Sept. 2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . â€Å" Easing of Double Stamp Duty Another Example of Leung ‘s Failed Housing Policy. †South China Morning Post. 16 May 2014. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . â€Å" Land Utilization in Hong Kong. †Land Utilization in Hong Kong. Planning Department, 16 July 2014. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Li, Yiu-wa. â€Å" Public Rental Housing for Young People. †( 2012 ) .HKU Scholars Hub. Web. 12 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Li, Yvonne. â€Å" Hong Kong Ranks World ‘s No 1 for ‘most Unaffordable ‘ Housing. †Property. South China Morning Post, 22 Jan. 2014. Web. 12 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // page=all gt ; . Mok, Siu-fan. â€Å" Searching for Improvements: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Public Rental Housing Policy in Hong Kong since 1998. †HKU Scholars Hub. Web. 12 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Ngai, Edward. â€Å" Defying Gravity: Hong Kong Property Prices Reach New Highs. †The Wall Street Jorunal. China Real Time Report RSS, 8 Aug. 2014. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . â€Å" Paul Chan Should Revive His Plan for Homes on Golf Club Site. †South China Morning Post. 13 Sept. 2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . â€Å" Reclamation Is One Option. †South China Morning Post. 24 Apr. 2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . South China Morning Post. Police release more images of fire suspects. 5 December 2011. Print Sustainable Housing for Sustainable Cities. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Human Settlements Programme ( UN-Habitat ) , 2012. Print. Wong, Man-kin, James. â€Å" Domestic Sub-divided Unit of measurements in Urban Areas in Hong Kong: A Study of Policy Problems and Solutions. †( 2012 ) .HKU Scholars Hub. Web. 12 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Youth Hong Kong Editorial Team. â€Å" Housing Dilemmas – Give the Young a Future. †Education Post. 17 Jan. 2014. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // give-the-young-a-future gt ; . Yuen, Ming, and Joy Lu. â€Å" HK Building Collapse Kills Three ; Two Missing. †HK Building Collapse Kills Three ; Two Missing. China Daily, 30 Jan. 2010. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . â€Å" ? ·Ã‚ ±? °?aY-a?ˆe?Sâ€Å"a?-a °?ec †c ©Ã‚ ¶ . †a? ¤eˆsa?Sa ±Ã¢â‚¬ ¹a?†¹a†¹Ã¢â€ž ¢a §Ã¢â‚¬ aâ€Å" e?„a?†¹c §?aâ€Å"a ®Ã¢â‚¬ ¡a ·?aa °?c µÃ¢â‚¬Å¾ . e ¦Ã¢â€ž ¢ a ¤Ã‚ §a ?c §Ã‹â€ aeˆ?ac †c ©Ã‚ ¶a? aa?S ?†?c -aaa?ˆâ€ °eâ„ ¢?a†¦Ã‚ ¬a , 11 Mar. 2011. Web. 13 Dec. 2014. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // A ; c/ssp_last.pdf gt ; . 1 How to cite World Cities and Sustainable Development, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Vietnamese Fate free essay sample
I will never get to meet perhaps the most influential woman in my life. If not for her decision seventeen years ago, I could still be living in the streets of Vietnam. The woman I am referring to is my birth mother. As a teenager she made the conscious decision to give me up for adoption in hopes that I might be able to find opportunities she did not haveopportunities that do not exist in Vietnam. Every night I think about what my life could have been like. Would I be literate? Would I be working in a sweatshop? Would I become a parent as a teenager like my birth mom? Think about that. I am currently the same age as my mother when she gave me up for adoption. Her life could have been mine. Life in Vietnam starkly contrasts the fast-paced life I was being brought into; however, I was still the same timorous person at heart. We will write a custom essay sample on Vietnamese Fate or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Throughout my early school years I was shy and had a hard time feeling confident in myself. On my first day of second grade I sat secluded at my own table because I thought I was different from everyone else. Rarely was I confident enough to raise my hand to participate. Even though I was succeeding on paper, I was truly alone. My parents probed me to participate in baseball and I am grateful they did. The diamond was the first place I felt like I fit in, and my teammates and I bonded over our competitive spirits. My childhood baseball friends became and still are my best friends, yet even on the baseball field I compared myself to others and felt as if I was not good enough. While my teachers and friends attempted to address my reclusive nature, I never disclosed the basis of my troubles. The root of my vulnerability can be traced to a phantom of my pastmy birth father. I never questioned his intentions until I needed my Vietnamese birth certificate for a school project. What I found rocked my world. The father spot was blank. Initially, I was puzzled; however, with time I felt dejected and heartbroken that the man who brought me into this world did not care enough about me to leave his name on my birth certificate. For a while I questioned others’ intentions and lost confidence in myself. At times, I felt as if my heart was shattered into a million pieces, but what I did not know was that happier times were ahead. Throughout the trials and tribulations I found comfort in my faith and family. My parents took a chance on me and brought me into their home willing to love and support me unconditionally. I am eternally appreciative for that. My most cherished memories are with my family. I remember when my mom taught me how to cook. I burned my hand touching the stove asking, â€Å"Is it hot yet?†I remember going to college basketball games with my dad and begging him to teach me how to play the next day. I remember sledding down the slopes with my little brother and sipping on hot chocolate afterwards. I am proud to say that family is and will remain at the center of my life. What brings everything full circle is my faith. I have never felt closer to God then when I was sitting atop a dormant volcano in the Galapagos. I saw the expansive sea with waves billowing and the hills and valleys exactly as God created them. While gazing into nature in its purest form, I began to reflect on the ser ies of unlikely events that created the foundation of who I am today. In that moment I realized that life has been handing me chance after chance, and it is my job to take and run with them.
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