Thursday, February 20, 2020
Should Smoking be Prohibited on Campus Speech or Presentation
Should Smoking be Prohibited on Campus - Speech or Presentation Example The debate of whether or not to ban smoking on campus has been there for quite a while, particularly since the start of the 21st century. Seeing more and more college campuses putting bans on smoking presently creates a huge debate platform for both defenders and proponents. While some think that such campus smoking bans mostly remain effective on certain levels in discouraging the newly independent college students to continue smoking, critics claim that college smoking bans are a product of pure authoritative rule under which no individual freedom is allowed. According to latest report, all campuses of University of California will be banning smoking as a result of which every campus would become smoke-free over the course of two years as the UC President compelled the chancellors of all the campuses nationwide to begin implementing smoke-free policies (Rojas, 2012). Discussion of causes: Defenders of campus smoking bans claim that smoking practices on campus seriously interfere wi th a healthy educational atmosphere and if such bans are taken seriously by more and more management authorities and strictly implemented, vivid changes can be seen happening in favor of mental and physical wellbeing of the students. ... s, to break free from the spell of conservative norms they are taught by their parents at homes which is why they fall for heaving smoking while absolutely disregarding the sanctity of their educational institution. Because continuing smoking habit on campus can potentially fuel a student’s mind to develop vast distance between him/herself and abiding by the educational requirements, so smoking should be absolutely banned on campus according to defenders of ban imposition. Campus smoking bans are not very old because it was not before 2000 that smoking-free campuses began surfacing in America. From this, it can be ascertained that smoking-free colleges are essentially a consequence of an increase in the health awareness and consciousness in the educated society which has occurred in the 21st century. The smoke-free spree was fuelled by the fact that no one could pass in or out of a door on any campus without going through a corridor fraught with smoke (Patterson, cited in Stei nberg, 2011). Students began smoking on campus in such a staggering number that it raised huge concern for the education, health and mental wellbeing of a student which is why smoking bans are getting more and more common with every passing day. Colleges that have imposed the ban on smoking should continue with the ban because it is one of the most important health concerns. Smoking is potentially dangerous for health as it is known to be a cause of several diseases that include but are not limited to oral cancer, lungs cancer and heart attack. Smoking in colleges should be prohibited also because smoking happens to be the first step in the way towards drug addiction for a lot of students. Being young and immature, students start exploring the world of narcotics and drugs starting from smoking
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Research summary article on theorist Patricia Benner Essay
Research summary article on theorist Patricia Benner - Essay Example ding, one core fact that cannot be disputed that in most jurisdictions, a person is expected to produce a form of attestation that shows mastery over theory by passing a given examination before accreditation can be given to practice. The question that comes to mind in such an instance therefore is whether Benner held a convincing position with her theory in the primary research titled â€Å"from novice to expert†. In the article by Benner, the researcher emphasized on the relationship between theory and practice and noted that it is possible for expert nurses to develop the skills and understanding needed to undertake critical patient care even when knowledge on theory is minimal. From this assertion, the researcher was able to identify five major levels of nursing proficiency, all of which were largely based on the outcome of practical nursing experience. These stages were novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. In what may be stated to be a perspective opinion, Benner noted that a lot of emphasis can be taken away from theory to practice because practical knowledge comes through research and that theory is only manifested as a characterization of practice. By implication, the researcher opined that theory is not sufficient to bring effective practice but through field practice, a person is able to get the fundamental â€Å"know how†of clinical experience. Based on the synopsis that has been given about the primary research by Benner, an immediate conclusion that can be given is that most parts of the world have not embraced her theory because without theoretical competence, it is very difficult for a person to be accredited to practice as a nurse. From a personal position, it would be said that as much as it will be agreed that a person can gain more experience whiles practicing nursing, the need for period updating of one’s theoretical knowhow cannot be underestimated. This is because the health sector is one that is highly technical
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