Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Existence Of God Essays - Religion, Philosophy, Free Essays
The Existence Of God Essays - Religion, Philosophy, Free Essays The Existence Of God Philosophy as defined by our required text is said to be the love of wisdom. It is the search for the larger picture, the demand for knowledge. There are many questions in philosophy, many involving the subject of religion. Does God exist? Should we believe in God? Is belief in God justified? These are just some of the questions attempted to be answered in philosophy. Every philosopher has a different opinion on the existence of God. St. Anselm (1033-1109) was a Benedictine monk; his philosophical views were very much influenced by Plato (Mavrodes 26). His greatest works were Monologium, Proslogium, Cur Dues Homo. St. Anselm had many views on God and religion, but instead of asking if God existed, he asks if the nonexistence of God was conceivable (Mavrodes 26). To proof this statement he followed it up with several statements such as: Truly there is a God, although the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. In addition, God cannot be conceived not to exist. God is that, than which nothing greater can be conceived. That which can be conceived not to exist is not God. This is also known as the ontological argument. St. Anselm argued that if there was a being that nothing greater could be conceived to exist, that it cannot even be conceived not to exist; then this being has to be God. Therefore, God must exist. St Thomas Aquinas (1226-1274) belonged as a member to the Dominican Order as a university lecturer. He wrote a lot, and of those many works his principal ones were Summa Theologica which is said to be the most comprehensive official theological statement of the Roman Catholic Church and the Summa Contra Gentiles (Mavrodes 42). Aquinas also believed in the existence of God, with this he formulated five proofs of God's existence. Of this the most widely known is the cosmological argument, this states that everything must be caused or created from something else. Therefore, there must be a first cause, and this is God (Soloman 90). Another well-known argument is the teleological argument. The basis of this argument for the existence of God is the threat against the finite structure of being, against the unity of polar elements (Tillich 210). This argument has also been called the argument from design. Due to the fact that the universe has been designed by a great architect is to assume a great part of the conclusion is to be proved. In this argument the author also argues that the author of nature is somewhat similar to the mind of man; though possessed of much lager faculties, proportioned to the grandeur of the work he executed (Mavrodes 109). There is also belief in the existence of God through the process of evolution. Almost all species have gone extinct at one time. The only species that survived were the ones headed to evolve a brain. Only God could have done this. If everybody knows who God is, then obviously God must of put the idea of himself into our heads because he is infinite. In philosophy, there are many theories about the existence of God, some more reasonable than others. Every philosophers has developed their own proofs and opinions on the subject, and until God comes down to earth or gives proof of his existence, then their will still be arguments on his existence. The Ontological, Cosmological, and Theological are all well known proofs, this proofs have brought much light and controversy to the argument, and as well as provoking the question to the existence of God.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Definition and Examples of Subjects in English Grammar
Definition and Examples of Subjects in English Grammar In English grammar, the subject is the part of a sentence or clause that commonly indicates (a) what it is about, or (b) who or what performs the action (that is, the agent). The subject is typically a noun (The dog . . .), a noun phrase (My sisters Yorkshire terrier . . .), or a pronoun (It . . .). The subject pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who, and whoever. In a declarative sentence, the subject usually appears before the verb (The dog barks). In an interrogative sentence, the subject usually follows the first part of a verb (Does the dog ever bark?). In an imperative sentence, the subject is commonly said to be you understood (Bark!). Its etymology is from the Latin, to throw. How to Identify the Subject The clearest way of spotting the subject of a sentence is to turn the sentence into a yes-no question (by this we mean a question which can be answered with either yes or no). In English, questions are formed by reversing the order between the subject and the first verb which follows it. Look at the following example: He can keep a Tamagotchi alive for more than a week. The appropriate question here if we want a yes or no as an answer is: Can he keep a Tamagotchi alive for more than a week? Here he and can have changed places and that means that he must be the subject in the first sentence. . . .If there is no suitable verb in the original sentence, then use dummy do, and the subject is the constituent which occurs between do and the original verb.(Kersti Bà ¶rjars and Kate Burridge, Introducing English Grammar, 2010) Subject Examples and Observations The Grinch hated Christmas.(Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas! 1957)We should take Bikini Bottom and push it somewhere else!(Patrick in Squid on Strike. SpongeBob SquarePants, 2001)Momma was preparing our evening meal, and Uncle Willie leaned on the door sill.(Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. 1969)My master made me this collar. He is a good and smart master, and he made me this collar so that I may speak.(Dug in Up, 2009)The saber-toothed tiger was prowling around the bottom of the tree, growling, as it looked for an easier way up. Then something caught its attention.(Damian Harvey, The Mudcrusts: Saber-Toothed Terrors. 2010)Sophie was especially excited because she and her friends were performing the opening dance at the Misty Wood fair.(Lily Small, Sophie the Squirrel. 2017)Fettucini alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults.(Mitch Hedberg)You cant try to do things; you simply must do them.(Ray Bradbury)Great spirits have alway s encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.(Albert Einstein) Look at the circles under my eyes. I havent slept in weeks!(The Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz, 1939)The orderly came back in a few minutes with a rifle and five cartridges, and meanwhile some Burmans had arrived and told us that the elephant was in the paddy fields below, only a few hundred yards away.(George Orwell, Shooting an Elephant. New Writing, 1936)Up to the farmhouse to dinner through the teeming, dusty field, the road under our sneakers was only a two-track road.(E.B. White, Once More to the Lake. Harpers, 1941)To do the thing properly, with any hope of ending up with a genuine duplicate of a single person, you really have no choice. You must clone them all.(Lewis Thomas, The Tucson Zoo)Every sentence has a truth waiting at the end of it, and the writer learns how to know it when he finally gets there.(Don DeLillo, Mao II. 1991) Challenging Traditional Definitions of a SubjectThe traditional definition of subject as referring to the doer of an action (or agent), though it is adequate for central or typical cases, will not work for all cases. For example, in passive sentences, such as John was attacked, the subject is John, but John is certainly not the doer of the attacking. Again, not all sentences, even those with transitive verbs, express any action. Examples are This book cost fifty francs and I loathe relativism. But such sentences have always traditionally been held to have subjects (in these cases, this book and I).(James R. Hurford, Grammar: A Students Guide. 1994) Subjects and Predicates in Poetry[Robert] Frosts Dust of Snow justifies its form by devoting one stanza to the grammatical subject and the other to the predicate: The way a crowShook down on meThe dust of snowFrom a hemlock treeHas given my heartA change of moodAnd saved some partOf a day I had rued. (Paul Fussell, Poetic Meter and Poetic Form, 1979)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Rene Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Rene Descartes - Essay Example entitlement can be attributed to both a move from the conventional scholastic-Aristotelian philosophy and the projection and spread of the contemporary mechanistic sciences for which Descartes made effort. Descartes deviated from the scholastic philosophies in two ways. Firstly, the scholastic’s method was doubted because it draws upon sensation as the origin of knowledge. Secondly, Descartes desired a replacement of the scientific explanation’s causal model with the contemporary mechanistic model. Descartes used a method of doubt to achieve this. The fundamental strategy Descartes proposed to evaluate any kind of philosophy was to consider it false if there is even slightest doubt about it. â€Å"This â€Å"hyperbolic doubt†then serves to clear the way for what Descartes considers to be an unprejudiced search for the truth†(Skirry). Concluding, Descartes introduced a rational way of evaluating arguments by measuring them on the scale of skepticism. I personally think that Descartes has influenced our thinking and accordingly our lifestyles in the modern age. He is indeed the first main philosopher who has made a concerted effort for the decline of skepticism in the modern
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Nelson Mandela's leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Nelson Mandela's leadership - Essay Example According to Connor and Mackenzie-Smith (2003: 59), â€Å"leadership is an active interaction with the world and involves bringing into being new possibilities from within real constraints†. Mandela’s leadership was based on his philosophy and way of thinking. His cause and persuasive methods were able to win him many followers and ultimately, adversaries also became his friends. In his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom, Mandela states that â€Å"South Africa will be free only after it achieves the freedom to be free†. He believed that by achieving physical freedom alone, liberty was not possible. It was also essential to support the freedom of others, and live the right life which gives self-respect and confidence (Mandela, 1994: 685). An outline of Nelson Mandela’s life story: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela’s father was a Xhosa chief of a small village near the capital Transkei in South Africa, where he was born in 1918. Africans living in their own country were discriminated against by the white minority rulers. As a leader of the African resistance that struggled for freedom from apartheid, Mandela was imprisoned for several years. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his struggle against apartheid and was elected as the first black president of South Africa (Mandela, 1994). Nelson Mandela set up law practice in Johannesburg in 1952. Earlier, in 1944, he joined the African National Congress (ANC) which included non-Africans. They tried for resolution in the conflict by a peaceful struggle against aparthed, using non-violent means. The state responded with violence against the Africans. Mandela was elected president of the African National Congress in 1951 and worked for the elimination of discriminatory laws. He led the ANC resistance movement in 1951-1952, was banned and jailed several times (Mandela, 1994). From 1961, the non-violent resistance was given up for violent methods. Mandela was jailed for five years because he illegally
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Spring Festival Gala Essay Example for Free
Spring Festival Gala Essay A Comparative Study of the CCTV Spring Festival Galas, 1984-86 and 2004-06 Xiaoyan Xu Abstract The Spring Festival, or Lunar New Year, is the most important festival in China. On every Lunar New Year’s Eve since 1983, the state-run China Central TV (CCTV), the only national TV station in China, has held a celebrating gala. This thesis attempts to examine the CCTV Spring Festival Galas as a case study of China’s statist nationalism. The research questions of this thesis are: what techniques and technologies have the CCTV Spring Festival Galas used to construct a Chinese national space? How have the CCTV Spring Festival Galas describe the Chinese national space? And what changes have taken place in these techniques and technologies as well as in the descriptions? To answer these questions, this thesis conducts a comparative research, comparing both the commonalities and differences between the galas of 1984-86 and those of 2004-06. Employing an interpretative textual analysis approach, it analyzes the videos of these six years’ galas and explores the political meanings of words and programs in the galas. This thesis finds that in order to imagine a united Chinese national space, the galas mainly represent China in terms of classes, ethnic groups and places. With the presence of minorities and people from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, the galas focus on the boundary of the Chinese nation to construct the unity of China. Furthermore, in order to construct the greatness of this united Chinese national space, the galas use heroes and sites to symbolize China. The presence of traditional elements helps create a temporal dimension of the Chinese national space. As a result of, and in response to, the socio- economic changes in the last two decades, the techniques and technologies used by the galas have changed. Besides the great changes in stage settings and technologies, the major changes in the techniques include: in the 2004-06 galas, hosts play a much more important role in interpreting the political meanings of the programs and presenting the state’s nationalist narrative to the audience, the Chinese Communist Party occupies a more central place in the galas, and home increasingly means individual family instead of the country of China. Correspondingly, the way the galas treat singers, actors, and hosts from Hong Kong and Taiwan has also changed. Acknowledgements The past three years have passed fast. At this moment, my heart is full of thanksgivings. I am especially grateful to: Dr. Timothy Luke, my committee chair, for his advising and helping me with revising this thesis for several times, as well as for his patience. Dr. Scott Nelson and Dr. Yannis Stivachtis, my committee members, for their support and suggestions on this thesis and future research. Dr. Christopher Clement, for his acceptance for my TA work and his kind flexibility for my responsibility during my pregnancy. Dr. Ilja Luciak, Chair, Department of Political Science, and Dr. Deborah Milly, former Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science, for their great support. Pat, Kim, Melissa, and Karen, staff of the Department of Political Science, and Jenny and other staff of the Graduate School, for their great help. God, for giving me life and abundant graces. My parents and other family members, for their love and encouragements. Examples of these studies are Guan Ling, Zhixing Guiji [The Tracks of Knowledge and Actions] (Beijing: Beijing Radio College Press 2000); Xu Yingchun and Wang Ying, â€Å"Dui ‘kan chunjie wanhui’ chengwei xin minsu wenti de sikao [Some Reflections on Watching the Spring Festival Galas Becoming New Customs],†Shiting Zongheng [On TV and Radio], No. 1 (2003); and Wang Xiaoyu, â€Å"Chunjie lianhuan wanhui de ‘zhaohuan jizhi’ [The ‘Calling Mechanism’ of the Spring Festival Galas],†Meiti Piping [Media Critique] (Guangxi Shifan Daxue Chubanshe, 2005), Vol. 1, http://www. usc. cuhk. edu. hk/wk_wzdetails. asp? id=4891. 22 is Wang Xiaoyu’s study. 34 Based on the concepts of â€Å"TV community†and â€Å"collective emory,†Wang analyzes the â€Å"calling†mechanism that renders individuals to join the audience of the Spring Festival Galas every year. He argues that the high viewing- audience-rates of the CCTV Sp ring Festival Galas can be partly attributed to the â€Å"TV community†emerging in 1980sthat is, the phenomenon that many people gather together to watch the same TV programs. Wang argues that the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is creating a new and special â€Å"TV community†. Many families gather to watch a TV program together, along with eating the reunion dinner. What is more, people’s discussions on the CCTV Spring Festival Galas afterwards make the galas a â€Å"collective
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Censorship in Schools Essay example -- Censorship Censoring Literature
Censorship in Schools There has recently been a renewed interest and passion in the issue of censorship. In the realm of the censorship of books in schools alone, several hundred cases have surfaced each year for nearly the past decade. Controversies over which books to include in the high school English curriculum present a clash of values between teachers, school systems, and parents over what is appropriate for and meaningful to students. It is important to strike a balance between English that is meaningful to students by relating to their lives and representing diversity and satisfying worries about the appropriateness of what is read. This burden often falls on teachers. The purpose of this research paper is to discuss censorship in schools and to argue that the censorship of books in the high school English curriculum is limiting and takes away literature that is meaningful to students. How a Book is Censored Brinkley describes a few actions that can lead to the censoring of a book in a school or school system: An expression of concern is simply a question about the material with overtones of disapproval; an oral complaint is an oral challenge to the contents of a work; a written complaint is a formal written challenge to the school about the contents of a work; and a public attack is a public statement challenging the contents of a work that is made outside of the school, usually to the media to gain support for further action (1999). Brinkley also points out an important difference between selection and censorship: Selection is the act of carefully choosing works for an English course that will be age-appropriate, meaningful, and fulfill objectives, while censorship is the act of excluding works that some con... ...nts out that censors often pick out very short passages of a work without taking into account its context in the entire scheme of the novel. Shen, F. (2002 September 24). Off the shelf; Who should decide what books you read? The Washington Post, pp.2. Retrieved December 2, 2002 from Lexis-Nexis/Academic database. This article addresses some of the reasons that censors attempt to remove books from the curriculum: Many censors feel that works are not age appropriate for students. Staff, Wire Reports. (2002 October 3). Book banning spans the globe. The Houston Chronicle, pp.C14. Retrieved December 2, 2002 from Lexis-Nexis/Academic database. This article emphasizes the point that censors go too far when they attempt to not only ban a book for their own children but want to remove it altogether from a school library, so that other students cannot read it.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Total Export of Container Throughput By Kuching Ports
Malaysia is a developing country and maritime sector is one of the most important sectors in Malaysia, The container ports will give advantage to a developing country like Malaysia because with the existence of ports in this country, Malaysia can establish new relationship with other country by means Of export Of the goods. In this study will show how export will give impact On economy growth and What factors that influence the export activities. Export has its own effect, Whether in good side or bad side. Export is also depends on the demand from the seers itself.The demand Will become the first thing that Will influence the rate Of export. So, the growth of maritime sector surely can give good impact on economic growth. Hopefully this project will help Maritime sector at Kicking port become more efficient in managing the port especially in the container throughput sector. This analysis Is carried out using the e-flews to check whether the data is stable or not. And then this resear ch continues by using Microsoft Excel to forecast the export of container from year 2013 to year 2020. Keywords: Container throughput, Export, Forecasting, E-flews, Microsoft Excel 1. Introduction Centralization Is an Important transportation system in the rapid growth of international trade. Especially in the country dominating both of Importing and exporting Like Malaysia. Containers are used for shipping many types of goods such as agricultural. Consumer. And manufacturing products. Container through put is measured by twenty;foot equivalent units (TELL). The container is widely referred to as a box. A container terminal is a place where contemporaries are berthed for loading/unloading. Storage of import. Export and trans-shipment containers.Container throughput is a measure of the number of containers handled over a period of time, It is a standard measure for the productivity of a seaport. Kicking Port Authority was the first Malaysian port authority to have its Container Handl ing Management System accorded the MS ISO 9002 certification. Kicking Port Authority also was the first organized port in the state of Karakas. This port was established in year 1961 under the Port Authorities Ordinance 1961. Eyeing situated just outside Kicking, the capital City Of Karakas and the seat Of the State Government andTotal Export of Container Throughput By Kicking Ports, Malaysia, using forecasting method from year 2013 to year 2020 By unmanned method from year 2013 to year 2020 T. M. H. Tongue Sounding, Department of Universities Malaysia Triggering, 21030 Koala Triggering, Triggering, Malaysia one of the most important sectors in Malaysia. The container ports will give of export of the goods. In this study will show how export will give impact on economy growth and what factors that influence the export activities. Export has its own effect, whether in good side or bad side.Export is also depends on the demand from the users itself. The demand will become the first th ing that will influence the rate of export. So, the growth of maritime sector surely can give good impact on economic analysis is carried out using the e-views to check whether the data is stable or not. Forecasting, E-views, Microsoft Excel 1. 0 Introduction Centralization is an important transportation system in the rapid growth of international trade, especially in the country dominating both of importing and exporting like Malaysia.Containers are used for shipping many types of goods such s agricultural, consumer, and manufacturing products. Container through put is measured by twenty-foot equivalent units (TIES). The container is widely referred to loading/unloading, storage of import, export and trans-shipment containers. Period of time. It is a standard measure for the productivity of a seaport. Kicking year 1961 under the Port Authorities Ordinance 1961. Being situated Just outside Kicking, the capital city of Karakas and the seat of the State Government and measured by twen ty-foot equivalent units (TEE). The container is widely referred to
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Invictus Essay
Invictus a movie that touches on a lot of issues Nelson Mandela and the South African people faced as a nation. Nelson Mandela was faced with bringing a nation separated due to racial segregation and he accomplished this goal by helping the South African rugby team win the world cup. This movie can be closely related with our class because Nelson Mandela is one of the greatest leaders of all time and too see how he implemented his leadership to help the Rugby is just a fragment to what he actually accomplished. Throughout this movie you can go think about what we learned in class its goes hand and hand. To give a complete analysis to this movie from the prospective of Nelson Mandela being a leader in the sports world in this essay I will explain the different styles of leadership Nelson Mandela implemented, group dynamics, communication, managing difficulties, issues of diversity. All of these where present in this movie and a direct correlation to how Nelson Mandela was a leader in sports. In this movie Nelson Mandela wasn’t the only called upon to be a leader in sports South African rugby Captain Francois Pienaar also played a major role a leading his rugby team through a very difficult season to becoming a great team and family. Without the help of Francois Pienaar I don’t feel as if Nelson Mandela’s plan to unite the nation would have went so smooth. Throughout the movie Nelson Mandela used a couple of different styles of leadership, this shows to be a great leader you have to mix and match different leadership styles. In Mandela’s case being the president of South Africa in the mist of segregation you have to appeal and lead many different types of people, some of the groups don’t respond like the others forcing him to differ from his nitch of democratic leadership. To reach the different kinds of groups he realized he would have to be stern sometimes and be more of a autocratic leader. Nelson Mandela being a South African native faced a very hard decision when he walked into a rally by some of the black population who were against the name of the rugby team and felt very strongly about changing it. Mandela being the leader he was realized the Springbok name was sacred to the Africana (white population) and to bring the nation together the name had to stay. After this decision was clear to Mandela to keep the Sp ringbok name based off the knowledge he gained while being incarcerated he knew that he was a minority and it would be tuff to get voted. Thus he implemented autocratic leadership style walked into the rally gave them all the background information on the name then told his follower the name will stay. Mandela knew what he was doing would be good in the long run but still asked for the support of his followers and of the rally he had one person that was on his side. Throughout the movie he also was forced to inhibit the Laissez-Faire leadership style against his own will. Bringing a nation together can sometimes become overwhelming and with his strenuous schedule Mandela overworked himself to the point he blacked out. After his accident he was forced to relax and take a back seat for a couple of days. For the period of his recovery he was helpless and had to go with the flow being forced into the laissez-faire leadership style. Nelson Mandela middle name should be democratic, that is how strongly he embraces this leadership style. He just wanted everyone in South Africa to be equal and get along, while trying to accomplish this he took different ideas from co-workers and people of South Africa. A recurring theme in the movie is Nelson Mandela’s wise words to his followers and friends at the most opportune times bringing encouragement, support, wisdom and comfortably. In the beginning of the movie he steps into his presidential chambers where all of the workers were at and began to give them a speech, most of these workers were Africana’s from the previous South African president. Now here comes this black political guy fresh from jail into the presidents office, so most of these workers didn’t plan on staying and didn’t believe in Mandela. He gives them a speech with great compassion and knowledge treated all of them as equals and ends the speech with â€Å" if you guys stay you would be doing me and your country a great service†. Mandela gave all his workers the opportunity to leave but after his great speech he didn’t lose not one worker, this give you and example how strong and powerful his words could be. Communication in my eyes is 10 percent verbal and 90 percent non-verbal, a person can say all the right things but if they don’t give eye contact and have bad body language it can automatically negate everything they just said. Africana’s were really hard on Mandela but he continuously gave them reasons to love and respect him, when he went to the first Springbok game a fan throw a can at Mandela that barley missed him but he didn’t even flinch. That fan wanted nothing more than for Mandela to react and get out of character but Mandela just ignored it showing them his mental strength. Its easy for a person to react by it takes a real leader to preserve them selves and ignore ignorance. Nelson Mandela was forced to manage difficulties through the whole movie trying to evolve his nation to bring blacks and whites together, enlighten people including his own daughter and help the Springbok win the world cup. What I learned from Mandela about managing difficulties is that sometimes you don’t have to automatically attack the problem head on and sometimes you should just relax and let things fall into place by making strategic moves. When Mandela knew what was best for the nation he made a group of very smart decisions to bring the rugby team back to relevancy and their winning culture. The best example of this was making the Springboks do clinics in near by villages. By inviting Francois Pienaar to tea he installed these values and coached him up to be a better leader to his team so he can also manage difficulties he was going to be facing. Francois Pienaar was faced with manage this difficult team that was ok with losing and not being connected to the rest of th e South Africans. Pienaar followed in Mandela’s footsteps and introduce the team to new things little by little, such as learning the national anthem, bring them to the prison to see what Mandela and others went through. Invictus in a nutshell is about the issue of diversity in South Africa and how a pride for their national team can unite a country. Mandela was facing the issue of diversity his whole life and even spent a period of his life behind bars to fight for it. From his first day in office as the president he had to face the issue of diversity by having a majority of his office workers being white and not knowing if they where going to stay, but thankfully for his enhanced commination skills he persuaded them to stay. Another character that was forced with great issue of diversity was Chester being the only black player on the Springboks had to be tough on him and his team mates fro example when they did the clinics all the kids flocked to Chester and ignored his teammates. Francois Pienaar was faced with issues of diversity as well like when he tried to teach the players the national anthem by the were very closed at first due to the complexity of the different languages of the black Sou th Africans. In conclusion Invictus was great movie showcasing the leadership of Nelson Mandela and Francois Pienaar both in very different situations but faced with some of the same issues. Mandela was faced with bring the nation together and Pienaar was faced with bring the Springboks together that was like a little nation in its own. The rugby team was like a little nation due to different races, conflicting ideas, and stubbornness to change their ways. Every team is like that and to manage that you have to be a leader in recreational settings to bring a team together and be successful. This movie taught me a couple of life lesson that I will inhibit to my everyday life and pass on to other such ass make strategic moves, really think before making any moves. 1 smart decision is better than 2 dumb reactions.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Estonia essays
Estonia essays Mild. The sea winds of Estonia help keep the weather from becoming very cold or hot. Temperatures average from about 19 to 28 F in January, and from 61 to 64 F in July. Estonia receives an average of about 19 to 23 inches of rain annually. Estonia consists of low plains. Farmland covers about 40 percent of the country, 30 percent forests, and 20 percent swamps. Estonia has a total of 481 miles of coastline. Estonias literacy rate is above 96 percent. Tallinn is home to several universities and technical colleges. Students are required to attend school until the age of 14. Then they may go on to four years of high school or to a technical college to learn a trade. Oil is the most important mineral resource. It is used as fuel for electrical power. Estonias major industries are agricultural machinery, chemical fertilizer, construction materials, processed foods, and textiles. Tallinn is an important center for fashion and design. Estonias major commerce is wholesale and retail trade, transportation and communication, education, and health care and social work. Businesses are usually open from 8 am to 5 pm. Estonians greet with a hello (Tere) and a handshake. The younger person is supposed to initiate the greeting. It is important to maintain eye contact. Chewing gum in public is impolite. Hand gestures are kept to a minimum during conversation. One important aspect is a visiting friend. Vastlapaev (15 February) people go sledding and eat special foods; a long sledding ride means good luck with the fall harvest. Independence Day (24 February) celebrates independence in 1918. April Fools Day (1 April) people play tricks on each other. Jannipaer (Midsummers day) ( 24 June) The Day of Souls (2 November) remembers the dead. Christmas (24-26 December) ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Basic Tips to Ace Your Biology Class
Basic Tips to Ace Your Biology Class Taking a biology class doesnt have to be overwhelming. If you follow a few simple steps, studying will be less stressful, more productive, and result in better grades. Always read the lecture material before class. This simple step will pay big dividends.Always sit in the front of the class. It minimizes distractions and gives you an opportunity for your professor to know who you are.Use effective study techniques like comparing notes with a friend, not cramming, and making sure to start studying well before exams. Biology Study Tips Always read the lecture material before the classroom lecture. This simple step is surprisingly powerful and effective. By preparing beforehand, your time in the actual lecture will be more productive. The basic material will be fresh in your mind and you will have the opportunity to get any questions answered during the lecture. Biology, like most sciences, is hands-on. Most of us learn best when we are actively participating in a topic. So make sure to pay attention in biology lab sessions and actually perform the experiments. Remember, you wont be graded on your lab partners ability to perform an experiment, but your own.Sit in the front of the class. Simple, yet effective. College students, pay close attention. Youll need recommendations one day, so make sure your professor knows you by name and you arent 1 face in 400.Compare biology notes with a friend. Since much of biology tends to be abstract, have a note buddy. Each day after class compare notes with your buddy and fill in any gaps. Two heads are better than one!Use the lull period between classes to immediately review the biology notes you have just taken.Dont cram! As a rule, you should start studying for biology exams a minimum of two weeks prior to the exam.This tip is very important- stay awake in class. Teachers have observed too many people s noozing (even snoring!) in the middle of class. Osmosis may work for water absorption, but it wont work when it comes time for biology exams. Additional Study Tips Avail yourself of your teachers or professors office hours, review sessions, and similar activities. In these sessions, you are able to get any questions answered directly from the source.Many schools have excellent tutorial programs that are a great resource for getting questions answered. Studying for the AP Bio Exam Those who wish to gain credit for introductory college level biology courses should consider taking an Advanced Placement Biology course. Students enrolled in the AP Biology course must take the AP Biology exam to gain credit. Most colleges will give credit toward entry level biology courses for students who earn a score of 3 or better on the exam. If taking the AP Biology exam, it is a good idea to use good AP Biology exam prep books and flash cards to be sure that you are prepared to score high on the exam. Key Takeaways Always read the lecture material before class. This simple step will pay big dividends.Always sit in the front of the class. It minimizes distractions and gives you an opportunity for your professor to know who you are.Use effective study techniques like comparing notes with a friend, not cramming, and making sure to start studying well before exams.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Fmcg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Fmcg - Essay Example Avon as a band in general has seen its brand value collapse as its market performance has tanked in recent years, leading to a corrosion in the overall prestige and desirability of the company and its products (Kowitt 2012). There are many things that contributed to the failure of the brand and many of its products, among them failure in strategy and in marketing, and in terms of being able to adopt and execute on a comprehensive social media strategy. As late as 2012 it did not have an effective strategy to leverage the strengths of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as other online media tools such as blogs. This is part of a bigger problem with regard to making the Avon brand relevant to consumers in general. This is true in the United Kingdom and in many other key markets in the West as well. With Avon’s product, the key sales channel had been direct sales, and in the age of the Internet and social media, the company has failed to make its direct selling model relevant. While there are no breakdowns of sales for the Goddess Eau de Parfum sales, it is clear that its many negative reviews puts it at the bottom in terms of sales performance for individual products (Glazer 2012; Carrillo 2014). Botanicals (2014). Natural Moisturizers: nourishing face moisturizer: rose and camella. [online]. Available at: [accessed 10/12/2014]. Carrillo, S. (2014). 11 Best Avon Products- and the 4 Worst: No. 4: Avon Goddess Eau de Parfum Spray, $22.50. [online]. Available at: [accessed 10/12/2014]. Glazer, E. (2012). Avon is Late to the Social Media’s Party. Wall Street Journal [online]. Available at: [accessed 10/12/2014]. Procter & Gamble (2014). BB & C Cream: Regenerist CC Cream Light.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Method of Bilingual Education Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Method of Bilingual Education - Thesis Example DEDICATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 LIST OF TABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Background of the Study ---------------------------------------------------- 4 Statement of the Problem --------------------------------------------------- 6 Significance of the Study --------------------------------------------------- 6 Theoretical Framework of the Study -------------------------------------- 7 Hypotheses -------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Scope and Delimitation of the Study -------------------------------------- 7 DEFINITION OF TERMS ------------------------------------------------- 7 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ----------------------------------- 9 RELATED LITERATURE ------------------------------------------------ 9 3. METHODOLOGY ------------------------------------------------------------- 11 The Research Method ------------------------------------------------------ 11 Data Gathering Procedure ------------------------------------------------- 12 The Study Area -------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Statistical Treatment --------------------------------------------------------- 13 Reference ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of... attitudes regarding the efficacy of bilingual programming specifically when incorporating the surveys of parents, teachers, and students themselves; t -test will be computed to determine the significant differences of the student grades and scores on standardized tests from students in the target program and students with no bilingual programs; and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used to establish whether there is no bilingual program model or models that are most likely to promote the transition into English classrooms and student achievement. There is a demand for bilingual education programs for non-native English speakers' students' communities. Consequently, the building interest in bilingual education program was by no means, then, limited to California, Texas, and Florida. However, it is now spreading all over the United States of America at a pace that surprises even the educators who provide the services. Americans have developed great interest in this undertaking because of its intellectual and social values.
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